Sunday, May 27, 2007

Women are persons!

Weekend of 27-28.05-07
This week I have learned and heard a lot of stories of African women who are treated cruelly and unfair. Some conversations I had with some people I met made me feel so desperate and sorry for the things that those women have experienced. Why don't some men treat women fairly and respectfully? In some cultures, women are treated so differently from men and many women are abused and suffer. When will this idea vanish from the society?
I visited the Famous Five Ladies statue and I learned how hard they tried to get the equal rights for women. I am so graceful of what they did in the past. I also met some women are are infected HIV from their husbands. I felt so sorry and sad to hear these stories. One guy knew he was HIV positive but he didn't even tell his wife, not even a word of sorry.

Apart from sad stories, we had a lovely weekend in Calgary. Snow had gone and sunshine came. U will see from my pics. It is so beautiful. My time in Canada has almost come to an end. Soon I will be going home. I don't know how my life gonna be when I'm back home. I think I have changed a lot. There are also many things I wanna do and friends I wanna spend time with. Good things and happiness always come at the end. But I feel that I am so blessed to have experienced things and met people here.

Me and sweet Levi
Uh lala... Gelato in Kensington
BBQ dinner at Abe's house
Executive Director of MCC Alberta, Abe Janzen

Canada's national animal, beaver

Eau Clair

The Bow River

1 comment:

nilesh747 said...

Mandy your pictures are extremely coooooool!I liked your post