Wednesday, January 14, 2009

New Year Resolutions

Happy New Year 2009!

I don't want to believe that my blog has survived until 2009. I have been passive in writing recently since I came back to Thailand. I don't know why. Maybe its because of the heat and humidity? hahahah... or I am just lazy.

Many people have set their new year resolutions. I have been thinking about my new year resolutions and I came up with;

1. Start exercise~~
Okay let me explain. I feel that I have gained a lot of weight since I came back to Thailand. Here I don't get to exericise much and I am not a kind of person to pays for fitness expensive fee just to show off or socialize. Well in fact I hate exericse because it is so tiring and you know that you are going to be tired and not having fun. In Canada, I didn't think so much about exericse but I could still stay in (chubby) shape. I did a lot of hikings, walkings and skiing. I felt fun doing those and the key factor was the weather. It is not so hot there so I feel really fine with it.

2. Start saving and stop silly shopaholic behavior ~~
Do I need to explain? I just need to save and stop buying shoes and bags. It is so difficult than number 1. My body just goes weak and my eyes are blind when I see the red holy sign "SALE".

3. Tidy my room more often (at least once a month) ~~
Some of you might yell at me... Mandy you are dirty! hahaha... :p Well I clean my room once or twice a year. My room is always so messy. So this year I set my standarad to clean my room at least once a month.

Okay... now...please help pray for me that I will succeed.....

Thank you!

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